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Distance Education Library Services

General Instructions

Please use this guide to create a stable link to a library online resource (article, eBook, etc.) to post in a Canvas container or share with students or faculty members.

  • All links to library resources must start with the following prefix:
    • This is what prompts the user to login before accessing the resource. It is called a “proxy”
  • A link that does not start with that prefix may not work long-term
  • Creating the link looks slightly different depending on which platform hosts the specific resource
  • Always test a link in an incognito browser or on a different computer before putting it in your course
  •  When in doubt, ask us for help! 


EBSCO is the easiest platform for linking. When you are on the page you want to share, simply copy the URL from your browser. It will act as a permanent link to search results, an article record, etc.

Screenshot of an EBSCO item record


If the item you want to share is located on the Gale platform, the best way to link is to icon in the upper right.

This will give you a non-proxy link. Add the proxy prefix ( to the beginning of the link. For example:

Swank Digital Campus

  1. Click on the film title in the Swank Digital Campus database.
  2. Click the Share button to get either a direct Permalink to the selected film, or a LMS Code (an HTML code to embed in a Learning Management System, such as Canvas).
  3. Both the direct Permalink and the LMS Code include proxy information and will route the user through authentication, so it is unnecessary to paste the proxy prefix.
    Copying direct link to a Swank film

Films on Demand

Click on the Share button under the selected video, then select Embed/Link to copy the proxied link.

Copying direct link on Films on Demand